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Career Exploration & Financial Aid

Complete your career assessment and begin the process of applying for financial aid.

After you have submitted the application, it’s time to complete our Quick Start career assessment. If you will need financial aid, you also need to begin your financial aid application. Both these actions should be started before your required meeting with an enrollment coach. 

Career Assessment

We need to know more about your career plans so we can help you choose the academic program that meets your needs. Don’t worry – it’s not a test! Complete this Quick Start  career assessment before meeting with your enrollment coach. It should take less than five minutes to set up your profile and complete the Quick Start career assessment. Once you are finished, feel free to explore your career matches. Your enrollment coach will also review your results with you.

Financial Aid

Before you meet with your enrollment coach you should also start the process of applying for financial aid.  Financial aid starts with completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and in many cases providing documents to our financial aid office. 

Detailed information on financial aid can be found on our Paying for Credit Programs page. You will also receive a Financial Aid Guide in the Welcome Packet e-mailed to you after your application is processed. This Guide gives you details on completing the FAFSA and finishing the financial aid process.

If you are having trouble with your financial aid application, don’t worry. You’ll get help during your required enrollment coaching session, and you may be asked to meet with a financial aid advisor for more assistance.  

If you’ve completed your career assessment and started applying for financial aid, it’s time to take the next step and meet with an enrollment coach