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Disability Services

Request disability accommodations and get an overview of the types of services we provide.

Wor-Wic provides reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

Documentation can be an official evaluation or letter from a licensed professional that clearly states your diagnosis, or an IEP or 504 from your high school. The college does not evaluate, diagnose or treat disabilities. Appropriate documentation should be submitted to the Academic and Disabilities Counselor at least four weeks before the start of classes so that eligibility can be determined and the appropriate accommodations can be made.
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  • Learning disabilities
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Psychological disabilities (depression, anxiety, PTSD)
  • Chronic medical conditions
  • Deaf/Hard of hearing
  • Visual disabilities
  • Autism Spectrum Disorders
  • Traumatic brain injury
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Based on an evaluation of your needs, you may be eligible for the following accommodations:

  • Special testing: You may be given more time or allowed to test in a different location, most often the testing center.
  • Voice recording device: You may voice record classroom lectures. Video recording is not allowed.
  • Kurzweil software: Printed material can be read out loud to you by a computer program for testing.
  • Assistive technology for visual impairments: Computer programs that enlarge print.
  • Sign language interpretation
  • Other reasonable accommodations

Reasonable accommodations do not include personal care attendants, private tutors, or waiving of required coursework.

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  • Making the transition from high school to college is tough for all students, but especially so for those with disabilities. College requires a great deal more independence and hard work than you experience in high school.
  • In many instances, students are not eligible for the same level of academic support that their IEP’s or 504 plans entitled them to in high school. It is also important to note that the IEP/504 plan is not automatically forwarded to your new college—it is your responsibility to provide the information to the college.
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Note: The Disability Services Office works with currently enrolled students. If you are a future student, please come back to these steps once you have enrolled in coursework.

STEP 1: Schedule an intake meeting with the Academic and Disabilities Counselor. This is done by visiting Connect2MAPS portal and selecting “Requesting Accommodations for a Disability”. Our Academic and Disabilities Counselor will reach out to students to schedule the meeting.

STEP 2: Gather documents detailing of disability and bring them to the intake meeting.

  • Medical and/ or psychological
  • Current
  • And must substantiate the need for an accommodation

*An IEP or 504 is sufficient.
*Once we receive any type of documents, we cannot rerelease them to the student for any reason.

STEP 3: Intake meeting. During the meeting, students will complete necessary forms to receive reasonable accommodations. The Academic and Disabilities Counselor will also answer all questions. Only the student should attend this intake meeting.

Additional Steps: Further steps are discussed during the intake meeting and will vary from student-to-student.

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Discrimination and Harassment

Discrimination and harassment can seriously damage the integrity of an educational institution, destroy the institution’s positive work and educational atmosphere and cause psychological and physiological damage to the victims. The college condemns such activity and is strongly committed to promoting a work and academic environment free from discrimination and harassment and to addressing and resolving complaints in a timely fashion.

Wor-Wic Community College does not discriminate on the basis of age, gender, race, color, religion, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender identity, disability, income level, limited English proficiency or any other characteristic protected by law in the admission and treatment of students, access to educational programs and activities, and the terms and conditions of employment.

This policy applies to all students, employees, visitors, and third-party vendors who are hired by the college. This policy covers any prohibited conduct that occurs on campus or off campus when conducting college business or is circulated at or from the college, during college operating hours or using college equipment, via email, phone, voice mail, text messages, tweets, blog posts, social networking sites or other means.

Review Wor-Wic’s discrimination and harassment policy.

Disability Grievances

Students who believe they have experienced discrimination or harassment based on disability should contact:

Dr. Kimberly W. Purvis
Associate Dean of Enrollment Management and Student Services
Wor-Wic Community College
MTC 103D
32000 Campus Drive
Salisbury, Maryland 21804

Review Wor-Wic’s disability grievances policy.